Born to Smile Dental
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Cedarhurst dentist, Five towns dentist, cedarhurst cosmetic dentist, five towns cosmetic dentist
Digital X-rays
Cedarhurst dentist, Five towns dentist, cedarhurst cosmetic dentist, five towns cosmetic dentist
Intraoral camera

Digital X-rays are more efficient and safer than their film counterparts.  In fact, digital X-rays use up to 90 percent less radiation than film X-rays.  In addition, they are environmentally friendly. They protect our environment by eliminating the need for developer and fixer solutions and silver nitrate film backing, all of which are hazardous to our earth.

An intraoral camera allows both the patient and dentist to see detailed images of the teeth and mouth in real time.  With an intraoral camera, patients are able to better understand what is happening and review the status of their oral health.

Cedarhurst dentist, Five towns dentist, cedarhurst cosmetic dentist, five towns cosmetic dentist
Cedarhurst dentist, Five towns dentist, cedarhurst cosmetic dentist, five towns cosmetic dentist
Digital impressions

Our televisions allow patients to watch cable TV, netflix, or amazon prime.   Additionally, patients can view their x-rays during their visit.

Using state of the art technology, the 3shape Trios scanner creates easy, comfortable, and highly accurate dental impressions without the putty-filled trays that make you gag.   Our Trios digital scanner allows us to take a digital impression- an extremely precise, 3D image of your teeth and gums without the goopy mess that you've heard about.  

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Born to Smile Dental